Ecommerce inventory management made efficient: Leveraging open source solutions

Gear up for growth with open source ecommerce inventory management solutions


Introduction to inventory management in ecommerce business

In the heart of every ecommerce venture, are their products and services that drive the excitement. Imagine this, a fashion entrepreneur strikes it big with a fabulous product, raking in great profits. The business then expanded their inventory, eager to capitalize on their winning streak. But when a disaster struck, demand suddenly dwindles, leaving their once bustling warehouse overflowing. What was once a source of wealth has become a burden, straining both space and finances. Following his previous setback, the entrepreneur took notice and streamlined his inventory. Yet, when a sudden surge in demand caught him off guard, his stock swiftly depleted. This led to a wave of discontent among customers and increased cancelled orders, dealing another blow to his business. Now he was really confused, where was he going wrong? What do you think went wrong? To unravel this mystery, let's delve deeper into the intricacies of inventory management and its pivotal role in the success of an ecommerce enterprise.

What is inventory management in ecommerce business?

Inventory management is a cornerstone of effectively managing an ecommerce business, as without efficient control over inventory, the entire operation can face significant challenges. Essentially, inventory management encompasses the strategic coordination of all aspects related to the handling and movement of products within the business ecosystem. This entails not only the procurement and storage of goods but also the meticulous tracking of orders, stocks, and their corresponding demand-supply dynamics. At its core, inventory management revolves around the fundamental goal of ensuring that the right products are available in the right quantities precisely when customers need them. It's a delicate balancing act that involves forecasting demand, optimizing stock levels, and orchestrating seamless logistics to meet customer expectations while minimizing costs and maximizing profitability. In essence, effective inventory management is about synchronizing every aspect of the supply chain to deliver value to customers efficiently and sustainably. Let us elaborate on the need for inventory management for an ecommerce company.

What drives the necessity for inventory management in ecommerce businesses?

Indeed, the advantages of adept inventory management extend far beyond mere logistics; they are the cornerstone of a flourishing business. A good inventory management system is not just about keeping customers content, it's the linchpin ensuring the seamless flow of goods from supplier to consumer.

First and foremost, let us talk about customer satisfaction—the holy grail of any business endeavour. By accurately forecasting demand and supply, inventory management ensures that customers find what they desire when they desire it. No more disappointed clicks on the Out of Stock button or frustrating delays in delivery; instead, a seamless shopping experience that keeps customers coming back for more.

With inventory management, the concept of overstocking and understocking becomes a distant memory. No longer will warehouses groan under the weight of surplus inventory or scramble to fulfil orders with insufficient stock. By striking the perfect balance between supply and demand, businesses can optimize their resources, reduce waste, and slash operational costs.

And let us not forget about efficiency—every business owner secret weapon. With inventory management, you can plan ahead for every occasion, from seasonal peaks to unforeseen fluctuations in demand. No more last-minute scrambles or panicked calls to suppliers; instead, a well-orchestrated operation that runs like clockwork, preventing delays and cancellations before they even have a chance to rear their ugly heads.In essence, inventory management is not just about keeping track of boxes and bins; it is about empowering businesses to thrive in an ever-changing marketplace.

It is the key to unlocking a world of possibilities, where customer satisfaction, cost savings, and operational efficiency converge to propel businesses to new heights of success. So, embrace the power of inventory management, and watch as your business transforms from surviving to thriving, one perfectly stocked shelf at a time.

Isn't inventory management a feature of popular ecommerce platforms ?

Well, after this business owners have come to a crucial realization, effective inventory management is essential for the success of their ventures. Many start their journey with basic inventory management systems provided by popular ecommerce platforms. These platforms offer foundational tools for inventory control, allowing businesses to track their stock levels, manage orders, and fulfill customer demands. However, as businesses expand or their requirements evolve, they often find themselves outgrowing these basic systems. The demand for more advanced features, detailed inventory tracking, and tailored solutions becomes increasingly apparent. This is where dedicated inventory management software steps in to fill the gap. Dedicated inventory management software offers a wealth of advanced functionalities designed to meet the specific needs of growing businesses. From sophisticated inventory tracking capabilities to customizable reporting tools, these software solutions empower businesses to optimize their inventory management processes and streamline their operations. Moreover, dedicated inventory management software provides businesses with the flexibility to adapt to changing market dynamics and scale their operations efficiently. Whether it's managing multiple warehouses, integrating with third-party logistics providers, or implementing advanced forecasting algorithms, these software solutions enable businesses to stay agile and responsive in today's competitive ecommerce landscape.

Proprietary or open source software - An ongoing battle


When we search for dedicated software systems, both proprietary and open source softwares come into our preview. We understand the differences between the two and their implications on the cost for a business owner. For a detailed discussion on the same, please read our blog on the rise of open source solutions for ecommerce business. Open source software emerges as a beacon of affordability and accessibility for business owners. With no licensing fees and minimal setup costs, it's a budget-friendly alternative that empowers businesses to hit the ground running without breaking the bank. In stark contrast, proprietary software often lures businesses in with enticing features, only to saddle them with hefty fees tied to factors like order volume, warehouse count, and analytics usage. For growing enterprises, this dynamic spells trouble, as expenses for inventory management software balloon beyond necessity. Open source solutions do not penalize businesses for growth. Instead, they provide a customizable framework that evolves seamlessly alongside the business's needs. With open source software, businesses can scale operations, customize features, and adapt workflows without the fear of escalating expenses. It's the epitome of adaptability, empowering businesses to thrive in an ever-changing landscape while keeping costs in check. InvenTree stands as a prime illustration of an open-source solution tailored for efficient inventory management. Delving into its intricacies, our latest blog post titled Inventory Management System for ECommerce - A Deep Dive into InvenTree meticulously explores its array of features and functionalities.

What does it take to deploy and manage it?

We have talked about open source software for inventory management. Now, what does it really take to set up an open source inventory management software , like for example like InvenTree. Let us explore the requirement for setting up an open source software. First and foremost for an inventory management software is to assess the hardware and infrastructure requirements. This includes evaluating server capabilities, storage capacity, network bandwidth, and any additional hardware components necessary to support the software. Depending on the scale of operations and expected workload, businesses may need to opt for cloud-based hosting solutions. Of course it requires a virtual machine to run and deploy the software. Open source inventory management software typically supports a range of operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS. Businesses need to ensure compatibility with their existing IT infrastructure and choose an operating system that aligns with their preferences and technical expertise. Additionally, a database management system serves as the backbone of an inventory management system, providing a structured framework for organizing and storing data. DBMSs like MySQL and PostgreSQL offer powerful relational database capabilities, allowing businesses to store vast quantities of data in a structured and efficient manner. This includes product information, inventory levels, supplier details, customer records, and transaction history, among other critical data points. With all this set-up the business is good to go with an open source inventory management software that allows for their flexibility and scalability.

What are the features of the inventory management software ?

Let us explore the key features that businesses seek in an inventory system and how they contribute to operational efficiency and success. What are the primary functionalities that businesses prioritize, and how do they enhance their operations?

Supplier and purchase order management

An ecommerce business always procures its stock from suppliers or other vendors. They need to have a process of procurement and tracking the same. Businesses can create and track purchase orders, manage vendor information, and streamline communication with suppliers through the software platform. In order to maintain supplier and vendor relationships, accurate and seamless transactions and tracking is crucial. The software has a separate purchase order wherein details of the vendor/supplier along with the stock requirement are listed.Integration with supplier catalogs and vendor portals simplifies the procurement process, enables efficient supplier collaboration, and ensures timely replenishment of inventory to meet customer demand. Automated triggers for generating purchase orders can be configured by inventory tracking.

Real-time inventory and stock tracking

Inventory management software revolutionizes the way businesses handle their stock and inventory by enabling real-time tracking of inventory levels. This feature provides businesses with instant access to accurate information about the quantity and location of their stock, streamlining the procurement process and enhancing stock management efficiency. One of the key benefits of real-time inventory tracking is the ability to receive out-of-stock alerts promptly. When inventory levels of a particular product reach a predefined threshold, the software automatically generates alerts, notifying the business of the impending stock shortage. This proactive alerting system empowers businesses to take immediate action, such as placing reorder requests or adjusting inventory levels, to avoid stockouts and minimize disruptions to operations. Furthermore, real-time stock monitoring, coupled with advanced forecasting algorithms, enables businesses to optimize their inventory management practices. Businesses can adjust their inventory levels, reorder points, and replenishment schedules to align with anticipated demand, thereby reducing the risk of overstocking or understocking.

Reporting and analytics

It is imperative for a business to generate reports of their inventory management. Analytics provides feedback to the business about their management and their status. It gives way for improvement and regular monitoring of their performance. Analytics, embedded within robust inventory management software, plays a pivotal role in providing this feedback. It enables businesses to scrutinize their inventory performance and trends, facilitating continuous improvement and performance monitoring. A good inventory management software goes beyond basic reporting functionalities, offering advanced reporting and analytics tools. These tools empower businesses to delve deep into their inventory data, uncovering valuable insights that drive strategic decision-making. Customizable reports, intuitive dashboards, and sophisticated analytics capabilities allow businesses to track key metrics with precision. By meticulously analyzing this data, businesses can pinpoint areas for optimization, detect potential issues early, and make informed, data-driven decisions to enhance inventory management efficiency and profitability.

How to bridge an ecommerce platform and the inventory management software

We have talked about the need, options and also some of the salient features of an inventory management system. Agreed, that with a growing business, there is a requirement for a dedicated software for the same. But how does it work along with an ecommerce platform such as Shopify or bigcommerce. How do we even connect the two? This is important because the inventory that is managed using the software needs to be connected to the ecommerce platform to have a seamless workflow. The process involves establishing a connection between the inventory management software and the ecommerce platform, allowing for seamless communication and data exchange between the two systems. Here are some of the aspects of connections between the two systems

  • Product information : The integration should enable the transfer of product details such as SKUs, descriptions, images, variants, and pricing between the inventory management software and the ecommerce platform. This ensures that product listings are consistent and up-to-date across both systems.
  • Inventory Levels : Real-time synchronization of inventory levels is essential to prevent overselling or stockouts. The integration should enable the automatic updating of stock quantities in both the inventory management software and the ecommerce platform whenever a purchase is made or inventory is replenished.
  • Order management and fulfilment : Order details, customer information, shipping and tracking information should be exchanged between the two systems to provide a seamless flow. This streamlines the order fulfilment process and improves shipping accuracy and efficiency.
  • Reporting and Analytics : The integration should support the transfer of data for reporting and analytics purposes. This includes sales data, inventory turnover rates, and other key performance metrics, enabling businesses to gain insights into their operations and make data-driven decisions.

By connecting these aspects and features between the inventory management software and the ecommerce platform, businesses can ensure a seamless and efficient workflow, improve customer experience, and drive growth in their online sales.


In summary, efficient inventory management is crucial for the success of ecommerce businesses, ensuring that the right products are available in the right quantities at the right time. It involves strategic coordination of procurement, storage, tracking, and logistics to meet customer demands while minimizing costs. By embracing advanced inventory management software, businesses can optimize their operations and enhance customer satisfaction. Open source solutions offer a cost-effective alternative to proprietary software, providing flexibility and scalability without the burden of escalating expenses. Integration with ecommerce platforms like Shopify or BigCommerce further streamlines operations, facilitating seamless communication and data exchange between systems.

Key features such as real-time inventory tracking, reporting and analytics, supplier and purchase order management, and order fulfillment ensure efficient stock management, accurate insights, and enhanced customer service. By connecting these aspects between inventory management software and ecommerce platforms, businesses can achieve a seamless workflow, improve customer experience, and drive growth in online sales. At ShopJets, we also excel in offering premier setup and maintenance services for open-source e-commerce software. Our expertise includes helping businesses implement efficient software solutions for email marketing and customer support, ensuring smooth and seamless operations. Interested in discovering how we can elevate your business? Reach out to us today!

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