
Posted on Aug 17, 2024

Labels in ShopJets Customer Support App allow you to categorize and prioritize conversations efficiently, enhancing your workflow management. By assigning labels to conversations via the chat's side panel, you can quickly identify the topic or status of a conversation, streamlining your support process.

Labels are specific to your account, enabling you to create custom workflows tailored to your organization. You can customize the colors of your labels for better visual differentiation and display them on the sidebar for easy filtering and quick access.

Adding a label

To add a new label, follow these steps:

Step 1 : On the home screen, click on Settings. Navigate to Labels → Add Label.

Step 2 : Begin designing your label. As you create more labels, assign meaningful names and distinct colors to ensure clarity and easy identification. The required fields include:

  • Label Name : Assign a name that clearly identifies the category, such as "Premium_Customer," "delivery_issues," or "bugs." Only letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed in label names.
  • Description : Provide a brief description to clarify the purpose of the label. For example, a description for the label "Premium_Customer" could be "This customer's issue is to be resolved on priority."
  • Colour : Choose a colour for the label to make it easily recognizable. After selecting, click the small square again to confirm.
  • Checkbox to show label on sidebar : Check this option if you want the label to appear on the sidebar, aiding in the quick identification of conversations.

Step 3 : Click Create to finalize the label. A confirmation message, "Label added successfully," will be displayed. You can continue to create additional labels as needed. Labels can be shared across teams within the account.


How to modify and delete a label

To modify or delete an existing label, follow these steps:

Step 1 : Access the list of labels via Settings → Labels. Find the label you want to update. To edit, click the pencil icon; to delete, click the red cross icon.

Step 2 : If editing, a modal will open with pre-filled information. You can modify the label name and description as needed. Click Edit to save your changes or Cancel to discard them.
