
Posted on Jun 22, 2023

In ShopJets, a macro is a powerful tool that automates a series of actions. These actions can include labeling a conversation, sending an email transcript, attaching files, and more—all in a single step. Macros are designed to save time and ensure consistency in your customer support processes.

As a support agent, you’ll often perform the same set of actions repeatedly. For example, when you receive a demo request, you might need to assign the conversation to the Sales team, send a standard message with instructions on how to book a demo slot, add the "Sales" label to the conversation, and snooze the conversation until further action is required. Similarly, when handling spam, you might send a predefined message informing the sender they’ve reached the wrong place, assign the "Spam" label to the conversation, and close the conversation. Performing these actions individually, multiple times a day, can be tedious and time-consuming. By using macros, you can execute all these steps with a single click, significantly improving your efficiency.

Personal macros are created for your own use and are not visible or accessible to other team members. Public macros, on the other hand, are shared and can be used by your entire team. They are ideal for standardizing common processes across your organization.

To create a macro, start by navigating to the Macros section in your dashboard. Click on the “Add Macro” button to begin. You can then define and sequence the actions you want to automate, such as assigning a team, sending messages, or applying labels. After setting up your macro, give it a name and save it. If you’re creating a public macro, ensure it’s accessible to the appropriate team members.

Once created, you can apply a macro to any relevant conversation with a single click. Simply select the macro from your dashboard, and it will automatically execute all the predefined actions in sequence.By using macros, you can streamline repetitive tasks, allowing you to focus on more complex customer interactions.

This will walk you through the process of creating both personal and public macros and show you how to apply them effectively in your daily workflow.

How to create, edit and delete a macro?

Step 1. Go to Settings -> Macros -> "Add a new macro".


Step 2. You will be directed to the macro setup screen, where you can design the sequence of actions that will be executed when the macro is run. Additionally, you can assign a name to your macro for internal reference using the field in the right sidebar.


You can start by selecting an action from the dropdown. The currently available actions are shown below.

Select an action and set it up accordingly. When done, continue adding more actions.


Please note that the order in which you set these actions defines the order in which they will be performed.

Step 3. Set the visibility for your macro. If it's intended for your personal use, set it to "Private." If you want your team to have access, select "Public."

Step 4. Click the "Save macro" button on the bottom-right of the setup page.


Here is an example of the sequential actions performed whenever the team receives a query from a customer on the refund status.


How to execute a macro?

Find the "Macros" section in the right sidebar of your chat window. Click the plus sign to expand it. This will display a list of all macros created for your account, including both private and public ones.

If you're unsure of the actions a macro will perform, you can preview it by clicking the "i" icon. This will display a pop-up showing the actions defined in that specific macro.

To execute the macro, click the play button. This will instantly carry out all the defined actions in sequence. You'll see success messages for each action as they are completed. For example:


To edit or delete a macro, go to Settings → Macros to access the list of macros. Locate the macro you want to modify or remove, and use the corresponding edit or delete button, as illustrated in the screenshot below.
